TOurism BID Renewal: 2024/25
Key dates and information relating to the Tweed Valley Tourism BID renewal ballot.
After months of consultation with local tourism businesses and partners, it was announced on 17 January 2025 that 88% of businesses voted YES for the Tourism BID and Go Tweed Valley to continue for a further five-year term. We couldn’t be more delighted!
Read about our key priorities for the next five years in our 2025-2030 Business Plan – and review the renewal ballot process in detail below.
Step One (May 2024)
The first step in the renewal process involved the development of an initial online survey. The survey was distributed to all BID businesses in May 2024 and the results were both valuable and insightful. BID members highlighted a number of areas that they felt Go Tweed Valley had performed strongly in – others they felt needed further work in a second five-year term – along with key issues facing their businesses and the wider tourism sector in the future.
Businesses also shared their thoughts on how Go Tweed Valley could make the biggest difference to them in the next term of the Tourism BID. The answers to this and other questions will help focus discussions at step two of the process and begin to shape our Business Plan for the next five years.
Step two (June-SEPt 2024)
Much has changed in tourism and the wider world since our initial ballot in November 2019. That is why it is important that we speak with all businesses, whether large or small, to understand what they would like us to deliver on their behalf should we be successful in securing a second term for the Tourism BID. With this is mind, it is critical that we follow up on the initial survey with one-to-one meetings with all businesses within the Tourism BID area.
We will start drafting a 2025-30 Business Plan throughout the consultation process, taking on board all feedback we receive.
STep Three (Sept 2024)
The Tweed Valley Tourism BID Board will meet on 11 September 2024 to agree on the key legislative elements of the business plan: which business sectors are included or not; the geographical boundaries of the BID area; the management of the BID including staff and Board members; and the levy payment structure. The Board will also review the draft Business Plan before it is passed to BID businesses.
Following the Board meeting, a Next Steps document will be published outlining the key priorities that the BID will focus on in the new 2025-30 Business Plan.
STep Four (Oct 2024)
A draft Business Plan will be distributed to all BID businesses for review. Feedback will be collated and amendments taken in where appropriate.
The Business Plan will then be sent to Scottish Government and Scottish Borders Council on 10 October 2024.
STep FIVE (Dec 2024)
Ballot papers and a hard copy of the the final 2025-2030 Business Plan will be issued to all BID members by 5 December 2024 at the latest.
All BID businesses will be invited to vote YES or NO to the continuation of the Tweed Valley Tourism BID for another five-year term.
Step SIX (Jan 2025)
Voting will close at 5pm on 16 January 2025. The results of the renewal ballot will be announced in the following days.
Further info
The Tweed Valley Tourism BID’s current Business Plan (2020-2025) can be found here. And for more information on the value that BIDs bring to Scotland as a whole, check out the Scotland’s Improvement Districts website.
As ever, do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us a line if you have any further questions or concerns. Our details can be found on our Contact Us page.